Relax in Peace and Privacy

Most of us have precious little time to relax due to how busy life can be. The worst thing when trying to relax in your backyard is to have passersby able to see onto your property and ruin the peaceful atmosphere. 

We have gathered some ideas to help you to protect your privacy. Even better, all of the ideas we have are quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive to execute. 

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Increase Foliage

Our favorite way to increase your privacy is using trees or plants. This way will help you to keep out prying eyes and will also help the environment too. You can either plant trees or bushes along your property line or use plants instead. 

Depending on where you buy them, trees may be more expensive; however, they can last year-round depending on the species you plant. You should always be aware of how high the tree could grow at full height and ensure you have appropriate permissions to plant them. 

The only negative aspect of planting trees is that it will encourage birds and create shade at certain times of the day. If you are happy to encourage local birds and wildlife to your property line, then trees can provide a more definitive privacy screen than plants. 

Using plants, however, can provide a home for local insects, especially if you plant wildflowers. We recommend that you plant some taller plants and use large planters at different heights to build a privacy screen. 

Depending on the type of tree you buy, it could result in the cost being the same for trees as for plants. When using plants to provide the privacy, you will need to buy planters, soil, and then the plants in addition. Whereas, when using trees, you only need to buy the trees themselves. 


Although you can often see over or through fences into a garden, you can add to a fence to provide extra privacy while also making the fence more attractive to look at. Our favorite addition to a fence is to use planting boxes and attach them at intermittent heights and stretches of the fence. With plants or flowers inside, you can transform a plain fence into a mix of colors with added privacy for your backyard. 

The benefit of adding plants and flowers in this way is that, again, by including specific flowers, you can encourage wildlife. You can also include trailing plants to cover the area between boxes. 

If you do not already have fence panels in place, this option will be a higher expense than plants or trees. However, if you either have a fence in place or were planning to install one anyway, this is an easy addition. The initial cost will be higher when you buy the plant boxes and holder for the fence, but it is a very low maintenance privacy option. 

An alternative to a flower box addition is you could install a simple lattice fence around your property line. This is a relatively inexpensive option, and you can put it up yourself instead of paying for installation. 

The installation is easy, simply sink posts into the ground and hang lattice panels to the posts. You can stain or paint the lattice and posts prior to assembling the fence to ensure it suits your garden décor. 

Depending on the size of the lattice you purchase, passersby will still be able to see into your backyard, but the lattice pattern could allow more light into your garden than a panel fence. 

Privacy Screens

Privacy screens or even curtains around the area you will be sitting in are becoming an increasingly popular option. You could either build a permanent privacy screen that is anchored to the floor in case of bad winds. This is a great option if you will always need privacy in the same area, around a patio or deck, for example. 

However, if you sit in different areas of your backyard, a permanent screen would not be suitable. Therefore, you may be better off buying a portable privacy screen. You can source a screen that matches your existing garden furniture and move it around your backyard as you sit in different areas. The great benefit of the portable screen is that it is lightweight to move and can be easily stored in an outbuilding or garage, using it when needed. 

An increasingly popular privacy option is outdoor curtains. This is an effective privacy option if you have a backyard porch or covered area. You can use any sturdy surface to hang the curtains, such as the patio roof. Using curtains will protect your privacy from both those walking past your home but also from neighbors looking out of their upstairs windows. 

Outdoor curtains can be useful around a sitting area you would use during the evening as the fabric will help to hold in the heat and keep out the cold as the temperature drops. 

All of these options will vary in cost depending on the materials you are using to build a screen or buy a portable screen or curtains. So you can make this option as expensive or inexpensive as your budget will allow. 


If you are still unsure of which privacy option will best suit your needs, we recommend you take a walk in your local area and see what your neighbors are using in their backyards. If you can see through into their garden, you will know this is not a good choice to protect your privacy. 

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