A green garden is a happy garden, but aiming for something sustainable can help the entire planet keep its green glint. Gardening can often do a lot of damage to the environment if you are not very careful with what you are doing, and anything to counteract that can really help.
Here are four quick ways to make your garden more sustainable without compromising its look and feel, no matter your level of skill as a gardener. It only takes one or two small changes to make a huge difference.
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Compost Waste
Composing things is one of the best ways to reduce your own waste while also creating natural, easy-to-use soil conditioner and fertilizer. Not only does this remove the need to use synthetic alternatives, but you can often make plenty of it using just household waste.
You can compost almost any food (except meat scraps) as well as random things from your garden, allowing you to quickly and easily build up a solid supply of conditioner. With little more than a decent compost bin or pile, you can have an endless stream of fertilizer ready to use at a moment’s notice.
There are countless ways to approach this, but many people simply keep a compost bin near their house, throwing food scraps into it along with the garden waste. It can take a while for everything to break down, but you can just keep adding to the pile on a daily basis, keeping it all topped up.
Recycle Everything
Recycle almost everything you can. It sounds easy, but many people misunderstand what they can and can’t recycle – or forget that you can reuse things that can’t be recycled. Making mulch out of leaves and newspaper or turning egg cartons into seed containers is just the beginning.
For example, you can skip getting a watering can entirely and just use a large water jug – which might have more capacity than your average watering can. Perforating some holes in the cap can even give you that sprinkler spread pattern that normally requires a specialized end cap on a normal watering can.
You can even conserve and recycle water to reuse that instead, allowing you to save on using your own water while also keeping a solid supply of it available. While a grey-water waste system can work, you can also simply collect water from unfinished drinks or even keep a bucket under you in the shower to let it fill up each morning.
This makes the biggest impact on hotter climates, states, and seasons, where water can be at a premium and natural rainfall is not as common. The more water you can store away, the less you will waste when you actually need to water your garden.
Avoid Powered Tools
One of the best ways to avoid harming the environment is to handle everything yourself – cutting the grass using manpower-based mowers or trimming hedges with physical tools. There is no perfect way to approach each problem, but it can be a lot better for the environment than burning fuel just to cut the grass.
This also gives you an excuse to spend more time outside in your garden, something that can really motivate you to keep working on things out there. A simple session of pulling up some weeds can spiral into an afternoon-long full clean-up of the area, which you will definitely be happy to have done.
A push mower is a good example, as are things like cutting up weeds by yourself instead of using specialized tools. Having a dumpster available can make a big difference, too – rather than shredding garden waste or making multiple long fuel-consuming drives to a disposal point, you can put it all into a large dumpster that can be emptied in just a single trip.
Electricity can at least be generated through solar energy, but fuel can just be wasteful. There are many cases where using a fuel-powered tool would be overkilled anyway, especially those ridable mowers that are only really meant for much larger areas. A simple push mower can do the same job for free with less noise, pollution, and set-up time.
Stay Organic
Try to use as many organic, natural methods and items as possible when caring for your garden. For example, climate-appropriate plants require less attention and care, meaning that you are using less water to hydrate them and are not having to spray specialized pesticides their way.
Companion plants can be a great trick, too. Some plants protect others from particular pests (either warding them off or diverting their attention away), which can mean that a well-organized garden is basically immune to most pest-related hazards. This saves on pesticides and helps you grow a larger variety of plants.
As mentioned above, with composting, using natural fertilizers and other materials is also the way to go. This ensures that you are not putting chemicals into the ground that will lead to increased environmental issues and also gives you the satisfaction of doing it all yourself. You might even feel that it makes the fruit and vegetables you grow taste better, too.
Whether or not it impacts the quality of what you are growing, relying on natural solutions to problems can save you a lot of money and help the environment heal. The more natural your garden is, the nicer it will be to spend time in it, especially without the smell of chemicals being sprayed into the grass every few days.